2022.10.31 CINOA Comments on the revision of the UNESCO Code of Ethics for Dealers
Following your message and invitation for the November 7, 2022 Consultation on the
revision of the UNESCO Code of Ethics for Dealers in Cultural Property, we would like
to thank you for the very complete document which includes all of the meeting minutes
pertaining to the revision.
CINOA, as representatives of art traders, is pleased to participate in this consultation
and we would like to remind you that CINOA cannot endorse the code until the final
revision including the commentary to the code has been carefully reviewed and is
deemed acceptable for its members. If our concerns are not fully taken into account and
we have any hesitation about the wording and implications, it is very unlikely that we will
endorse the new revised UNESCO Code of Ethics.
We submit some general comments before delving into the specific revisions based on
the information in document ICPRCP/22/23.COM/12. In our commentary, which we
have numbered, we refer to specific previous comments, when appropriate, from the
summary report of the conference with art market participants (Annex 2) which were not
taken into account and must be underscored.