Press Releases & Art Market papers
Jan 15 2020 | CINOA

CINOA committed to developing network and activities – AGM 2019 Decisions

9 July 2019 – At the CINOA AGM in June 2019, the CINOA delegates confirmed their commitment to developing the CINOA network and activities, under the leadership of Clinton Howell, who was re-elected as President.
CINOA is the principal art and antique dealer federation whose focus is on the engagement of the art world and governing authorities and to promote the role of dealers. One important aspect is to highlight the protection and promotion of cultural heritage by dealers and to relate the value of dealers to these authorities. Through education and advocacy, we have influenced EU and US legislation related to art, antiques and antiquities.
CINOA will continue its outreach campaigns in order to help ensure that new legislation will be well-balanced and not aimed to curtail trade. Our emphasis is to be proactive and not reactive. Lighthouse Europe, a Brussels based public affairs firm, will continue to help monitor and advise on EU developments as well as develop a newsletter. We will begin a targeted campaign with the newly elected European Parliament and European Commission to make CINOA’s voice heard. The CINOA Secretariat will continue to advocate for better analysis of statistics to determine the rationale for laws currently created on suspicions.
CINOA firmly believes that it is important for the trade to band together on issues. CINOA seeks better lines of communication with non-affiliated groups in the art and antique sector, such as art fairs, auction houses, insurance companies, transporters, experts, collector, art professional groups, etc. Hence, we are changing our rules so that the CINOA board will be able to approve groups to become Associate Members if they share common advocacy goals. Furthermore, we will also develop a new membership category for Friends of CINOA which will be open to individuals be they dealers, collectors or concerned citizens.
Freya Simms, Managing Director, LAPADA (UK):
“The CINOA AGM is an invaluable opportunity for the art and antiques trade to get together to debate and interrogate issues that affect the trade on the global stage. It is an excellent forum to learn from each nation and together create a proactive approach to support dealers as well as engender trust in the trade.”
For any further details or an interview contact:
Clinton Howell, President of CINOA:
Erika Bochereau, Secretary General:
For more information on CINOA: www.