Agnieszka Gniotek (born in 1975) - art historian and critic; curator of exhibitions and plein-airs; juror of contemporary art, design and photography competitions; lecturer in the field of art collecting, art and photography market, alternative investments, promotion and career-building strategies in the art world. She published articles on the pages of IKS Informator Kulturalny Stolicy, Art & Business, Exit, Puls Biznesu, Modern Art, Antyki, Business Class, Format, Sztuka.pl, Dilemmas Magazine, Private Banking, Cash Magazine, among others. Professionally associated with art for 25 years, with the art market for 15 years. She worked, among others in Artinfo.pl, where she was running the Artinfo.pl Gallery in Fabryka Trzciny and preparing the auction project Polska Fotografia Kolekcjonerska (Polish Collectible Photography). For 7 years she has been running her own company, as part of which she prepared auctions and exhibitions for the Polswiss Art auction house and Pragaleria, as well as charity auctions for foundations and associations, incl. The Aperio Association, the Synapsis Foundation, the Lepszy Start Foundation, and the Help for Children Foundation. Since 2016 she has run Xanadu Gallery and Auction House based in Warsaw. It is her own project, for which she bears full substantive and financial responsibility.

Xanadu Gallery and Auction House is focused on selling the contemporary artworks created by the young and middle generation up-and-coming artists, as well as the classics of the Polish art scene. At Xanadu, we try to choose the best work of art to meet the individual needs of the client - whether he is an art lover, a collector or an investor. We advise on interior design, building private and corporate collections, art collection marketing, and investing in contemporary art. Xanadu is a hybrid combining the activity of an auction house, organizing hammer and online auctions, and an impresario gallery, representing artists exclusively, supporting their careers through the organization of shows and the publication of catalogues, participating in art fairs and selling their works to recognizable collections.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWF6ZQiyoudI_mFhs11HMNw

Important links: https://linktr.ee/galeriaxanadu

Al. Jerozolimskie 101 lok. 52 (staircase C, 3rd floor)
02-011 Warsaw

Al. Jerozolimskie 101 lok. 52 (staircase C, 3rd floor), 02-011 Warsaw, POLAND
Gallery Opening Hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, , , Saturday: 12:00 19:00
Sunday: Closed
