
Our directory of CINOA partners and useful links lists organizations and businesses with significant experience in industries related to or servicing the art and antiques trade which can provide help and support to both the trade and private owners of art and antiques.

Partners of CINOA have been recommended by affiliated dealers of CINOA. We wish to thank our partners for their support and for joining our directory. To become a CINOA partner, contact the CINOA Secretariat.

All Partners
Art Handlers and Packers
Art market news resources
Consultancy services
Due diligence resources
E-commerce tools for the trade
Independent researcher


James Bourlet has been a familiar and trusted name in the art […]

Cultural Property News

Cultural Property News, a completely free online news-magazine with hundreds of articles, […]

The Antiquities Forum

The Antiquities Forum is an online information service run by trade associations […]

Ivan MacQuisten

Ivan Macquisten is a writer, commentator, analyst, collector and campaigner in theinternational […]

Lighthouse Europe

Lighthouse Europe is a consultancy that supports companies, associations and trade federations […]

Art Loss Register

The Art Loss Register is the leading due diligence provider for the art […]


The International Foundation for Art Research (IFAR) offers impartial and authoritative information […]

Interpol Stolen Works of Art Database

The database of stolen works of art combines descriptions and pictures of […]

Ronati, Inc.

Ronati builds technologies to help the art, vintage, and antiques industry thrive. From […]

Arts Economics

Arts Economics is a research and consulting firm focused exclusively on the […]

This could be you!

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